Night-time diaper changes – all you need to know

Night-time diaper changes – all you need to know

Bleary-eyed new parents will do everything they can to keep their baby in the land of nod for as long as possible during the night.  

To help you get more shut-eye, here’s our guide to fuss-free nighttime diaper changing.

In the early days

Newborns and younger babies normally need to wake for night-time feeds, so this is the perfect opportunity for you to change their diaper, if it’s necessary.

If your baby normally falls asleep during a feed, you may prefer to change their diaper before feeding, so you can simply lay him or her back down when they’ve drifted off.

But if your baby tends to let loose just after a feed, it’s better to wait until afterwards rather than doing two diaper changes.

While you might seek to make daytime changes fun for baby, the opposite is true at night. Here the key is speed and stealth!

Keep the lights low so as not to stimulate your baby and avoid making eye contact or engaging with your baby. This may seem weird at first, but it will help your baby stay in their sleepy state.

Think about nightwear that’s easy to adjust for swift diaper changes – this is not the time to be fumbling with stiff poppers!

For older babies

If your baby is sleeping through, you don’t need to wake them up to do a diaper change unless there’s a poonami crisis or a pee leakage incident.

Change your little cherub just before putting them down to sleep and apply barrier cream if you’re worried about diaper rash developing.  

Some parents do like to do a “dream-change” (changing the diaper at the same time at night while the baby is asleep) but if you find the perfect diaper fit – this shouldn’t be necessary.

Choosing the right diaper

If you’re concerned about diaper rash, make sure you select a diaper that offers the right level of protection. The larger sizes of Pura diapers (size 3 upwards) offer up to 12 hours of protection, perfect for older babies during the night.

They also contain special channel technology, which draws moisture away from babies’ skin – allowing air to circulate for breathability.

The right diaper, in the right size shouldn’t leak in the night. To keep babies feeling dry and comfortable, all Pura diapers feature a super absorbent core to maximise absorption. For extra protection, the design of the leg cuffs on Pura’s diapers also acts as a barrier to leaks.

Find the diaper that works best for you, and your baby, and remember to keep checking that your baby is in the right size. Then hopefully you can both enjoy a comfortable night’s sleep!

To find out more about Pura diaper click here.

Disclaimer: The content contained in this article is for informational purposes only and should not be taken to represent professional or medical advice. Always seek advice from a medical professional when deciding on what is best for you and your baby.
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