I’m pregnant - when do I need to start buying diapers and wipes?

I’m pregnant - when do I need to start buying diapers and wipes?

One of the things we’re frequently asked by parents-to-be is when to start buying diapers and wipes. This blog is designed to answer all your questions.  

When should I start buying?  

There’s no hard and fast rule here. It will depend on the space you have at home and whether you’re someone who loves to plan and buy in advance or perhaps wants to pack their hospital bag early.  

Some parents-to-be start buying as early as 20 weeks while others wait for their baby shower and ask for wipes and diapers as presents or a gift card to purchase them. We recommend you pack your hospital bag no later than three weeks before your due date, so you’ll definitely want to have a supply or wipes and diapers ready by then.

How many should I buy? 

In the early days, babies can get through 10 – 12 diapers a day - though this will decrease as they get older. In the first week, you’ll have your hands full and probably won’t want to be running around buying change time essentials, so you might want to consider buying a case of diapers and wipes rather than single packs.  

These days, many wipes, like Pura’s, are safe to use on newborn babies. Just ensure that the brand you choose is accredited by trusted bodies such as by Allergy UK and certified safe to use on newborn, sensitive and eczema-prone skin  

As a lot of parents use their baby wipes for more than just a diaper change (they’re great on hands and faces too) the total number of baby wipes you use in a day, month, or year can vary greatly!  

Some parents say they use as much as half a pack per day in the first few weeks, when they’re new to diaper changes. Others use them more sparingly. Pura wipes have a shelf life of more than 12 months so won’t go bad if you do decide to arm yourself with a few cases!  

What size diapers should I buy? 

Pura’s newborn diapers come in two sizes. Newborn size 1 will fit 4-11 lbs and Newborn size 2 fits 6 – 13 lbs so will be perfect for the majority of new babies. Like adults, babies come in different shapes so you may find you need to go up a size despite the weight.  

What else should I consider?  

Disposable wipes and diapers are the most convenient way to keep babies clean. But you probably know that some aren’t so great for the planet. Look for wipes that are plastic-free and never flush wipes unless they are certified fine-to-flush. 

No disposable diaper is without impact. But you can choose a brand, like Pura, that offers more environmentally-friendly diapers, without compromising on diaper performance, bottom comfort or value for money.   

Disclaimer: The content contained in this article is for informational purposes only and should not be taken to represent professional or medical advice. Always seek advice from a medical professional when deciding on what is best for you and your baby.
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