It’s a big change. Going from diapers to potty training is a universal rite of passage, but it’s also something that many parents feel nervous about. And one of the most confusing questions is often surrounding when to start. To help you decide, we’ve created this simple guide.
Key signs that show they’re ready to go!
- Daytime dryness. If you’re finding that your toddler’s diapers are dryer during the day, this could be a good indication that your baby is physically ready to try potty training.
- Recognising wetness. If your little one starts to remove their own diaper, especially if it’s wet, this could be a clear sign that they feel uncomfortable in a wet diaper and are ready to try big kid undies.
- That’s a poop! Similar to above, if your toddler can tell when they are doing a poop or a pee, they are learning independence and recognizing their bodily functions, which will be helpful in potty training.
- Two-way communication. For potty training to work, your child will need to be able to understand instructions and also be able to communicate back to you when they need to go pee or poop.
It’s too soon
Trying to potty train before your toddler is ready will make the process a whole lot trickier, and even stressful, for the pair of you. We recommend that you avoid potty training if you don’t yet recognise any of the above signs in your child.
Sometimes your child may be ready, but the circumstances might not be ideal. Consider delaying potty training if…
- They have a new sibling. Your mind will be elsewhere, and they may feel jealous and regress to baby behaviour.
- They have been ill. Best to wait a few weeks until they’re fully themselves again.
- They’re childcare circumstance or routine has just changed.
- You have just moved house.
- You are going through a particularly stressful time or cannot give potty training enough attention.
Rushing the process will only lead to setbacks, so take your time and delay for a few weeks until you are both ready.
Remember not compare your toddler’s journey or set a time limit on potty training, every toddler will master this at a different rate.

Potty training aids
There are heaps of help, advice and products around to help you potty training. We offer a couple of products that are perfect for the job!
Our Flushable Toddler Wipes for sensitive skin are EWG Verified and great for potty training. Less scratchy and better at cleaning big messes than toilet tissue, they’re also great for little hands that have not yet master ripping and rolling!
You could also try our Pull On Diaper Pants for sensitive skin. They are Allergy UK approved, totally chlorine free and come with a 360 stretchy waist band.
Easy to pull up and down with tear-off sides, they and can be used solely overnight if your baby is dry in the day only. Both are available in Walmart and

Wishing you and your baby the best of luck!