Can weaning cause diaper rash? All you need to know

Can weaning cause diaper rash? All you need to know

Weaning is a massive milestone in your baby’s life, and you’ve probably done masses of research on when to start, what foods to start with. 

Less talked about is how moving on to solids will impact your little one’s bowel movements and, in turn, diaper changes. Warning – from here on, this blog contains plenty of poo talk

So solid crew

You’re probably a dab hand at changing diapers by now, but once you start your baby on solids, things are about to change again. Solid foods could mean more solid poos and this means they will look (and smell) less like baby deposits and more like regular poo (sorry to break that to you).

Diaper changes could be even more, or less frequent, once you start weaning, depending on how your baby's digestive system reacts to different foods. 

In the early stages of weaning, you’ll probably be introducing simple veg and fruit so this might result in the poo being a little bit more colorful than you're used to!

As you gradually introduce solid to your baby’s diet, you might see small chunks of food sweetcorn, for example, in the diapers too.

Most of these changes are normal - your baby’s digestive system is still developing! But if in doubt, always check with your health care professional.

Wipe right

To tackle your babies’ bigger messes, you might need a bigger wipe to help get your baby's botty clean. To be kind to your baby’s skin, and your planet, look for wipes that - like Pura’s - are plastic-free and biodegradable and that don’t contain any skin irritants.

Weaning and nappy rash

According to diaper rash ointment brand Metanium, around 25% of parents report an increase in diaper rash when weaning their baby, due to the dietary changes. To help avoid and treat diaper rash, ensure you change your baby’s diapers frequently - as soon as possible after a poo. Chafing from a diaper that’s too tight can also cause diaper rash to - so do make sure your baby is in the right size. Check out Pura’s size chart here.

Wipes and diapers containing unnecessary nasties can also cause irritation so look out for brands that contain no chlorine, alcohol or perfume like Pura’s range which can be used right from birth and on sensitive or eczema-prone skin.

If diaper rash persists, or for advice about anything weaning related, be sure to contact your health professional.


Disclaimer: The content contained in this article is for informational purposes only and should not be taken to represent professional or medical advice. Always seek advice from a medical professional when deciding on what is best for you and your baby.
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